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Home: Icon Library: User Manual

Installation Guide 4

Section Contents
  • Table of Contents

  • Files - ZIP Archives, File Locations
    Extracting files from ZIP archive.

  • Shortcuts - Creating Windows Shortcuts
    Desktop Shortcuts, Start Button Menu Item

  • Registry - Registering the ICL File Type
    Double clicking on ICL files opens Icon Library Viewer program.

  • Uninstall - Removing Icon Library from your system
    How to remove all files, shortcuts and registry entries from your system.

Uninstall Icon Library
  1. If you decide you no longer need Icon Library on your system you can uninstall the complete product by following these simple steps.

  2. Find the folder where the program was installed. The default location is C:\icolib5_shar for the shareware version, and C:\icolib5_reg for the full registered version.

  3. Delete this folder to completely remove Icon Library from your system. There were no other files created on your disk during installation that need to be deleted.

  4. If you created a shortcut on your desktop, you can delete this as well by highlighting the shortcut and pressing the Delete button on the keyboard.

  5. You may have a copy of the original download file called icolib05.exe or icolib05_reg.exe in a temporary folder on your system. This can be deleted if you are certain you don't want to re-install Icon Library in the future.

  6. If you registered the ICL file type to Icon Library, you can remove this association by starting Windows Explorer and selecting Folder Options... under the Tools menu.

    Folder Options

  7. Select the File Types tab and scroll down to the ICL extension in the Registered file types selection box. You should see Icon Library as the File Type for this extension. If some other program is shown here, just click the Cancel button to leave the registered file type as it is.

    File Types

  8. Highlight the ICL file type and click on the Delete button. Click the Yes button when the system asks if you are sure you want to delete it. The ICL entry will no longer be visible in the Folder Options window. The OK button at the bottom of the window will change to a Close button which you click to complete the procedure.

  9. Icon Library should now be completely removed from your system.

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